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With our friends Rico, Helado and Laika in Camping Dakhla, for many years departure center for the Great South.
Last stop on the way to Mauritania, in addition to a nice shade, the fish tajine is delicious.
Way the frontier of Mauritania.
During 200km in the territory there are antipersonnel mines.
Way to a fossil urchins site., frontier zone between Morocco-Mauritania.
Fossil urchins site, of Heliophora genus.
Heliophora fossil.
Unfortunately images like these have been relatively common in this region.
The miner train Zouerate-Nouadhibou. This is the more long, heavy, cheap and slow train of the world. The train is 3km long and the passenger car is at the end.
Cansado Bay, truly ships cemetery.
Arrival at camping Baie du Lévrier. The owners made us feel at home.
Sunset on the Lévrier Bay.
Sunset on the Etoile Bay.
Lévrier Bay. The boat was of great utility.
Sunrise at Etoile Bay.
Low tide in Archimède Bay.
Bolinus cornutus. Lévrier Bay.
Jellyfish. Lèvrier Bay.
Marginella irrorata. Lévrier Bay.
Lévrier Bay.
Lévrier Bay.
Cymbium tritonis. Lévrier Bay.
Flamingos, way of Kobanu.
With Salem and your zodiac, we could explore Lévrier Bay.
Remote places the Lévrier Bay.
Remote places the Lévrier Bay.
Pelicans in Lévrier Bay.
Pelicans in Lévrier Bay.
Sunset on the Lévrier Bay.
Road to Nouakchott
Address to Banc d'Arguin
We had several punctures on the track.
These humble mechanical workshops are really effective.
Pleistocene shells fossils. Banc d'Arguin.
One of our "Hotels" in Banc d'Arguin.
Whale skeleton. Banc d'Arguin.
Small shark. Banc d'Arguin.
Pugilina morio. Banc d'Arguin.
Our friend Mohammed, guided us during our stay in the Banc d'Arguin your company and care was really nice.